Do you have a network of tiny unsightly veins on your legs, arms, face, hands or chest? If so, you’re not alone. Varicose and spider veins plague many people and can be caused by a number of things, including:

  • Injury
  • Genetics
  • Aging
  • Hormone replacement therapy
  • Pregnancy
  • Long periods of sitting or standing

At Advanced Liposuction Center we have a safe and effective way to eliminate these unwanted veins: Sclerotherapy.

How Does it Work?

Sclerotherapy consists of a series of small injections of a substance known as a sclerosant into the unwanted vein that will seal it off from the inside. The body naturally redirects the blood flow to healthy veins and the spider vein will shrink, collapse and disappear by being reabsorbed into the body. Our expert cosmetic surgeons will first numb the area to be treated with a topical anesthesia so discomfort is very minimal. The treatment takes about 30 minutes or less.

What’s the Recovery?

Immediately following the procedure you will need to elevate your legs for a short period of time. You may feel a little itching or cramping but this will quickly disappear. You must wear compression stockings for 3 days after Sclerotherapy. You may notice a slight bruising or skin discoloration at the site but this too will fade within a few weeks.

What are the Results?

You should see the disappearance of the vein within a month’s time. Follow up visits may be necessary as more veins appear or if the vein is large and requires more than one treatment. You will be allowed to return to exercising and other normal activities three days after this non-invasive procedure (although you will need to avoid sun exposure to the area that was treated for six weeks).

Spider and Varicose Vein Risk Factors


Obesity or being overweight increases the chance of having varicose veins. Weight gain can compress the veins, increasing pressure and straining the valves and walls. It might assist to lose weight.

Growing old

Veins mature along with us as we get older. As the walls and valves deteriorate over time, varicose veins are more prone to appear. After the age of 40, this risk rises. The fact that growing older is not the main risk factor for varicose veins should not be overlooked.


Varicose veins run in families, and while the reason why is unclear, you are more likely to have them in the future.


Varicose veins are associated with less activity and exercise. The chance of getting overweight, which is a factor in the development of varicose veins, is increased by inactivity, which may be one explanation for this. Exercise is essential for promoting healthy circulation since it pumps blood throughout the body. This is why when people aren’t moving about enough, circulation issues can start to appear.


Older persons are substantially more likely to have varicose veins. This could be a result of the wear and tear of daily living; as we age, risk factors for varicose veins like inactivity may start to have a greater impact. Additionally, menopause has been linked to varicose veins, but this link only becomes apparent at the age of about 45.

As people age, their veins generally lose some of their elasticity, which affects how well the valves inside them function. Varicose vein symptoms could result from blood pooling in the lower legs as a result of this.


Smoking is one lifestyle choice that can increase the likelihood of developing varicose veins. The chemicals in cigarettes can restrict blood vessels, which can disrupt blood flow and blood vessel function. Uncomfortable varicose veins are the end result.

How To Prevent Varicose Veins And Spider Veins In Future?

1. Exercise regularly!

Exercises are always beneficial, they can help you live longer, prevent many kind of diseases, improve your health and protect you from venous diseases in future as well!

Its because exercises help us improve blood circulation which is really good for venous diseases.

If your blood flows without any problem there will be so less chances of you developing varicose veins.

Any exercise that promotes leg exercise is good to improve blood circulation, for example, walking is the best exercise for people wanting to prevent vein problems.

Cycling and swimming are also some good exercises, but make sure to not overdo them or you may face some unwanted side effects.

2. Avoid Staying In The Same Position For Too Long

Many people don’t know this but it’s a sad truth, if you stay in the same position for too long then you are making vein diseases more likely to affect you.

For example, if you stand still for too long then your veins will have to work so hard to send blood back to the heart because they will have to work against gravity.

This extra effort will make it Hardee for blood to flow in your legs which can result into varicose veins.

This can happen if you work as a teacher or nurse.

Sitting for too long causes the same problem because your legs will remain in the same position for hours.

Your veins will have to work against gravity again which can cause blood pooling and poor blood circulation, which unfortunately leads to venous problems.

To avoid such problems you should start taking short breaks, in every thirty minutes sit for few minutes.

This will help your veins work properly which will decrease all risks of varicose and spider veins.

3. Put on support hose

This is a helpful preventative step to perform in order to help prevent varicose veins from developing. Although they don’t apply as much pressure as compression stockings, for many people this is sufficient.

4. Make a compression hose purchase.

These are available over-the-counter, or you can ask your doctor for a compression hose with a prescription-strength. Pressure on the lower leg and ankle

If you are a man or woman in good health with unsightly spider or varicose veins that you would like to have removed, contact our Cranberry Township office or one of our other Pittsburgh area offices by calling: 724-683-7581 for more information. We offer a free consultation where one of our cosmetic surgeons will meet with you and help you determine if Sclerotherapy is the right treatment for you.